Descendants of Josiah Winslow and Margaret Bourne
A Philinda Adgate, 1798/9-1875 B Lucy Backus, 1737-1804 C Elizabeth Chester 1761-1830 Asa Cook, 1720-1777 Jacob Cook III, 1691-1753 Joshua Cook, 1764-1838 Martha Cook, 1801-1881 Solomon Cook Sr, 1743-1776 D E F G Elizabeth Gregg 1825 - 1905 H I J K Henry Kelley, 1791- L Elizabeth Leffingwell, 1768-1819 David Little, 1680/1-1779 Elizabeth Little, 1719/20- M Lydia Miller, 1661-1727 |
N O Elizabeth Otis, 1740-1798 P Q R S Mary Sturtevant, 1651-1717/18 Samuel Sturtevant, 1624-1669 T Daniel Thatcher, 1789-1867 George William Thatcher, 1825-1896 John Thatcher, 1742-1805 Josiah Thatcher, 1661-1701 Josiah Thatcher, 1701-1780 Elizabeth Tracy, 16693-1740 John Tracy U V W Hannah Winslow Mary Winslow, 1646 Margaret Winslow, 1640-1698 Rebecca Winslow, 1642-1683 XZY |